Why Choose Us

Mrs. Shail Tiwari is a certified Career Counselor from CDA-Career Development Alliance (USA), certified to conduct internationally accepted frameworks like MBTI, RAISEC, VARK and others to help students and professionals with their career choices. Ms. Shail Tewari is an Academician turned Career Counsellor with 24 years long experience in Teaching and School Administration. The passion of mentoring students through education earlier and career counselling at present has taken the shape of BodhiCareer. The global economy and technological advances have opened a world of opportunities, at the same time have created career confusion among students and professionals. In the VUCA (Volatile Unpredictable, Complex and Ambiguous) world today, career mentoring by proficient counsellors has become the need of the hour. Our invaluable solutions help students, parents, and professionals to make informed decisions and avoid career disasters later in their life.

Mrs. Susmita Khan

(Co-founder and CEO)

Mrs. Susmita Khan is a veteran academician and Career Counselor with 22 years of experience in Teaching and Counselling. She is M.A. (English), B. Ed. She worked as a Secondary Teacher, Academic Coordinator, and Principal of CBSE schools.

Ms. Priyanka Shukla

(Manager Operations)

She is an IT graduate with an MBA. She has worked for six years in an HR firm as a manager and has extensive experience in talent acquisition, strategizing, and Process Improvement.

  • Mission

Provide quality career guidance in a professional setup, which is a basic need of students, fresh graduates, professionals and people making a career change.

  • Vision

There are hundreds of careers options, multiple stream combinations and endless career paths. We at Bodhi Career help you to discover your perfect career through our 5+ dimensional career assessment, and a revolutionary approach to career mentoring.

About Us

BodhiCareer is a premier education and Career Guidance Centre with a belief in guiding students’ parents and professionals to make the appropriate choice through a jigsaw of career and education possibilities.

‘Bodhi’ is a Sanskrit word that means ‘Awakened’, ‘Enlightened’ or ‘Conscious’ thus at BodhiCareer we help students and professionals to identify their unique inherent talent, help them to unleash their potential, and realise their abilities acquired through life experiences, education, and training. Our holistic approach towards understanding the inner self of our clients with empathy, comprehensive analysis, and robust solutions distinguishes us from others.

We provide individually tailored services to the students and professionals conducted one on one basis, relevant to the circumstances of each of our clients. The psychometric assessment tools which we use are completely validated by Indian norms and are statistically proven.We provide individually tailored services to the students and professionals conducted one on one basis, relevant to the circumstances of each of our clients. The psychometric assessment tools which we use are completely validated by Indian norms and are statistically proven.

Career Counselling
Informed Career Decisions for a better future
Self awareness, and Self efficacy
Critical Thinking and Creativity
Goal Setting and Conflict Management
Assertiveness and Self Regulation
Confused which career to choose?

My Career My Informed Decesion

Our Goals
  • Our primary objective is to help candidates choose a field which is in tune with the skills and abilities they possess, and their job.
  • We at Bodhi Career guide students and professionals and help them to make Informed Career Decisions for a Better Future.
  • We review candidate’s socio, economic and academic background, his strengths and accomplishments to gain insight and help them to explore career possibilities suitable for them based on their personality, interest and aptitude through psychometric assessment and expert counselling.

What you can expect from us?

  • Career confusion and indecision can affect you at any stage of your career, thus it is important to get the right support to resolve it and plan ahead.
  • Through Career Mentoring we advise, support, and guide students and professionals to select the right subjects after class 10th, right career after 12th, and graduation.
  • We at Bodhi Career let you explore different career options, their scope, colleges, and opportunities, and help you make the right career choice.
  • An individual may like to change his career path due to obvious reasons and we support such professionals to change their career too.
  • A Career Assessment is a test designed to identify the unique set of strengths, aptitudes, and skills of a person to recommend the right careers for him.
  • It is an online test that evaluates a person on 56 parameters across 5 dimensions including Personality, Interest, Motivation, Aptitude, and EQ/EI, to suggest your top career options.
  • It also provides a detailed career development plan and expert guidance within the 34-page career report, so that one can take the first step towards achieving his career goals.
  • Helps to understand yourself as a person.
  • Helps to expand various career options in alignment with your personality.
  • Self awareness and Self understanding leads to more appropriate and rewarding career choice.
  • A combination of most dominant preferences is used to create one’s individual personality type.
  • Helps to know your best fit career .
  • Helps you to find career that you enjoy.
  • Helps to identify a career focus.
  • Helps to begin career planning and career exploration.
  • Those values which matter to us in a career.
  • They are formed through our life experiences, our feelings, and our families.
  • A career choice that is aligned to our core beliefs and values is often lasting and a positive choice.
  • Creativity, Adventure, Social Service, Independence, Continuous Learning, Structured Work Environment, etc are career motivators.
  • EQ indicates our ability to understand and make sense of both our own emotions and Our relationship with others.
  • People with a high EQ make confident decisions and can express themselves well.
  • Emotional Self Awareness, Managing Emotions, Motivation, Empathy, and Relationship Management determine our EI.